MUTUAL RESPECT: every student must respect and show courtesy to the rest of the students, teachers and staff of the centre at all times.


PUNCTUALITY: students must get on time to the lessons and attend regularly (have at least 80% attendance to obtain a certificate of achievement). Absences must be justified beforehand and through a medical or legal document which will be handed to the Academic ELE Coordination at


APPROPRIATE USE OF THE LANGUAGE: students are expected to use an adequate and respectful language in all the facilities of the centre.


CARE OF THE EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES: students must take care of the learning material and the facilities of the centre. Any damage must be repaired or paid by the responsible.


ATTENTION IN CLASS: students must pay attention during the lessons, avoiding distractions and taking part actively in the learning activities.


ACADEMIC HONESTY: assignments and test are expected to be carried out with integrity. Plagiarism and copying are strictly forbidden.


SECURITY AND ORDER: students must behave so that they do not pose a risk to their own security or the one of their mates. It is forbidden to bring any dangerous objects or illegal substances to the centre.


DRESS CODE: the centre respects the cultural and religious diversity of all the students. Religious symbols and clothing are permitted. However, in order to ensure a respectful and professional atmosphere, decorum in dress is expected, so sunglasses are not allowed inside the classroom except for justified reasons, nor is excessively revealing clothing. Clothes must be clean and in good repair. Offensive messages on clothing are strictly forbidden.


RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY: the use of electronic devices is only allowed when the teacher says so. It is forbidden to use these devices with non-learning purposes during school time.


POSITIVE COEXISTENCE: a positive coexistence and a pacific conflicts resolution is fostered. Any kind of harassment will not be tolerated.


COOPERATION AND TEAM WORL: students must collaborate and work in teams when required, fostering a mutual support atmosphere.


IT IS THE ADMINISTRATION’S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE PROCEDURES, DEADLINES AND APPOINTMENTS FOR ADVICE: students who need support with procedures for their stay in Spain or access to university must respect the procedures established by the administration.


IT IS THE TEACHER’S COMPETENCE TO DETERMINE THE LACK OF ANY OF THESE RULES IN THE CLASSROOM: in case, the teacher may ask a student to leave the classroom or make a report to the ELE Academic Coordination or to the Head of the school.


IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ELE ACADEMIC CO-ORDINATION TO FOLLOW UP ON REPEATED BREACHES OF THE RULES: in case a fault is repeated, the ELE academic co-ordinator can make an appointment with the student for a warning call.


IN CASE OF SEVERE FAULTS, IT IS THE CENTRE DIRECTION’S COMPETENCE TO TAKE THE NECESSARY MEASURES: in case of repeated actions (despite the warning calls) or severe faults, the Academy’s director has the exclusive right to apply the following Expulsion Policy.



The expulsion of a student is an extreme measure which will be taken only after having followed the rest of disciplinary steps. The following actions can lead to the expulsion from the centre:


PHYSICAL OR VERBAL VIOLENCE: take part in fight, physical aggressions, mockery towards another mate or the academy staff or the use of an offensive or violent language.


CONSUMPTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF FORBIDDEN SUBSTANCES: bring, consume or distribute drugs, alcohol or any other illegal substance in the centre.


HARASSMENT OR BULLYING: take part in any form of harassment, bullying or discrimination towards other students or staff of the centre.


THEFT OR VANDALISM: steal or damage on purpose the property of the centre or other members of the learning community.


REITERATION OF SEVERE FAULTS: repeatedly incurring in conduct that infringes the rules of coexistence and behaviour, despite having received previous warnings and sanctions.


ACADEMIC FRAUD: engaging in serious and repeated academic fraud, such as plagiarism or cheating on exams and assignments.


FAULTS NOT CONVERED IN THIS DOCUMENT: misconducts affecting the smooth running of classes or respect between individuals will be determined and dealt with by the Centre Direction in accordance with the rules and policy set out here.

Both the student and the legal guardian must read and understand this Coexistence and Behaviour Rules, as well as the Expulsion Policy. When signing, both accept to accomplish the guidelines and understand the consequences of breaching them.