Learn Spanish and get ready for the university entrance examination in a maximum of 8 months

Academia Puerta Real al Español offers you an ELE course to reach an learningally competent mastery, created for students with a very low or even inexistent knowledge of the language and who need to take several subjects for their exam Selectividad para Extranjeros in Spain.
Academia Puerta Real is an official centre collaborator with the UNED (National University of Distance Education), entity in charge of easing the procedures of admission to university for international students. To access university in Spain, it is mandatory to take the Selectividad UNEDassiss exam. We have been offering specific courses to prepared Selectividad UNED for foreign students for more than 20 years, being the centre with more students in Andalucía and the one with the best results.
Besides the ELE preparation up to B2 level, we also provide students with the syllabus of each of the Specific Competences Exams (PCE) to prepare the university entrance exams via UNEDassiss.
650 hours course
30 weeks. Duration subject to public holidays and holiday periods.
5 lessons of 4 or 6 hours each, depending on the scheme of study
From 9:00 to 13:30 hours and/or from 16:00 to 20:30 hours (with a break from 11:00 to 11:30 hours and another break from 18:00 to 18:30 hours).
This projection is approximate. Check the exact dates in the ELE+SELEC Calendar.
A1 + A2 + Basics A1-A2 Course + B1 + B2.1
5 or 6 subjects of the Specific Competences Exams (PCE) (subject to University access requirements).
Intensive (face to face and online).
15 students maximum
Price: 3399 €
Reservation: 400 € (to be deducted from the final price of the course).
To get your STUDENT VISA, paying the full course is legally mandatory.
- 20 weekly hours
- A textbook (as a loan) and additional learning materials.
- Continuous assessment
- Access to the platform for recorded classes, additional teaching material and exercises.
- Puerta Real Library: free book lending service.
- Trips and extracurricular activities. (more information in the section Trips and extracurricular activities at the bottom of the page)
- Legal advice for obtaining the STUDENT VISA through our specialist immigration lawyer Rocío Valero. Only for students than register from A1 and for the complete course.
- SIELE exam. Once the course is done, the student will be able to certify his Spanish level by paying the registration fee to SIELE GLOBAL. See SIELE services.
- DELE Certification. See DELE exam dates.
1. To sign up for this course, it is advisable that you complete the “level test. Likewise, it is essential that you consult our registration procedure and refund policy.
2. The reservation of the course is only done electronically, so you will have to Access -SIGN UP NOW!Where you must fill in the registration form to be able to pay by credit/debit card.
3. The amount of the reservation is 400 €, this amount that will be deducted from the final price of the course.
4- For the remaining payment of the course, we offer the following options:
– By Bank transfer:
- Account number: ES88 0075 3167 8606 0505 1859
In this case, you must send the proof of payment to
– At Academia Puerta Real, by paying in cash, as long as the amount does not exceed €999 or by credit/debit card.
5. Once the reservation form and payment have been received, we will send you a confirmation email, as well as the corresponding receipt.
6. Approximately one week before the start of the course, you will receive a confirmation with the exact schedule of the classes.
7. The remaining amount must be paid at the beginning of the course.
IMPORTANT for students who need STUDENT VISA:
They must have paid the total amount of the course, before their appointment with the corresponding consulate. In this case, Academia Puerta Real will issue the following documentation so that the student can manage its processing:
- Letter of Invitation
- Tuition
- Syllabus
- Payment letter
- Acceptance letter
- If necessary: Certificate of accommodation and/or Certificate of delay.
To do this, students must provide a copy of their current passport.
In the event of a visa refusal, a copy of the original refusal will be required for any refund (see refund policy).
The Academia Puerta Real cancellation conditions are as follows:
- All course reservation cancellations must be based on fully justified reasons.
- The notice of cancellation must be received at least 15 days before the start of the course and in writing (e-mail or letter). Academia Puerta Real has to confirm the receipt. The date of receipt will be taken into account and not the date of the sending.
- All courses will be held on the scheduled dates as long as there is a minimum of four confirmed students. Otherwise, the student will be offered a refund of the amount paid and, if desired, the option to enroll in another course with a different start date and time.
- In the event of cancellation of the course due to the impossibility of the centre to carry it out or other causes of force majeure, natural catastrophes, physical or personal risk to the student both for the reception of the classes or their travel (cataclysms, state of war, national alarm, etc.) the student will have the right to request a full refund of the amount paid or to change the date of the course.
Reason of refund: refusal of student visa
- Those students who, despite complying with the documentation and other necessary requirements to obtain the student VISA, have been denied it, may request a refund by sending a copy of the letter of refusal.
- Academia Puerta Real is committed to such a refund in this case as long as your visa has been processed under the supervision of our specialized immigration lawyer Rocío Valero, whose services are offered by our centre free of charge.
- 400 € in administration costs and the days that have passed since the beginning of the course will be subtracted from the refund amount.
For our international students, especially for those who are not member of the European Union, Puerta Real al Español offers full support to obtain the STUDENT VISA. Our services will ease the process of arriving and studying in Spain, allowing you to focus on your learning and enjoying the unique cultural experience offered in Granada.
The procedure include assistance to get your N.I.E (Foreign Identification Number), essential if you are a student in our country.
The requirement to apply for a STUDENT VISA are the following:
- Paying the full course
- Counting on the financial means to cover the cost of the stay and the return to my country according to the required fares of the Spanish law, which represents 100% of the IPREM monthly.
- Having a health insurance policy with an insurance company authorised to operate in Spain. Click here to contract your health insurance.
- Having an accommodation during my stay in Spain. Click here to see our accommodation collaborators.
- Having no criminal record in Spain or in any country where I have lived before in the last 5 years.
- Not having any illness which may be a public health risk.
- To know more about legal advice and support for foreign students, click here.
Selectividad UNEDassiss structure

In Spain, there are four fields of Bachillerato:
- Health Sciences: to study degrees such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, Dentistry, Psychology, Nutrition…
- Technological Sciences: to study degrees such as Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics…
- Social Sciences: to study degrees such as Economics, Law, Marketing, Psychology, History…
- Humanities: to study degrees such as Art, philology, History of Art, Philosophy…
Taking this into account, when enrolling at Academia Puerta Real, we need to know which degree you would like to access to, in order to help you as much as possible.
It is a service of the National University of Distance Education (UNED) created for the management of access and admission of students to Spanish universities, this service is especially aimed at international students to facilitate access through accreditations and the performance of specific tests.
This service is aimed at students from the European Union and countries of international educational systems who can homologate their studies to the Spanish bachelor’s (Bachillerato in Spain) degree.

- 2 subjects: European, Chinese or with International Bachelor. The universities of Galicia.
- 4 subjects: Madrid, Valencia, Murcia, Extremadura, León, Salamanca, Valladolid and Burgos. In these cases, you can apply for the Bachelor’s Degree, an extra requirement.
- 6 subjects: the rest of the universities. They are asking to make an EBAU structure, which is the same as for Spanish undergraduates (having EBAU structure does not mean having to do the same exams as the Spanish. It refers only to your choice of subjects to be submitted).
The modality of bachelor’s degree is a requirement that can be asked to us in some universities in Spain (not all), these are: the Universities of the Community of Madrid and those of Castile and León.
In these universities, you can get the maximum score by only performing 4 subjects. There are 4 types of Bachelor:
- Modality of Science
- Modality of Social Sciences
- Modes of Humanities
- Modality of Art
To be able to apply for this access criterion we should choose a subject of the general block, the subject of modality according to the branch of studies (sciences, art, social, humanities) and up to two optative subjects.
In order to be successful with this criterion, we can have two situations:
- Passing the general, the modality and one of the specific subjects, if you fail an optative, nothing happens, your mark will be positive.
- Have an average score of 5 points among the four subjects of the study branch. You can approve two assignments and fail two as long as the average mark of the four assignments is approved. (more than 5).
About Spanish universities
The call for applications for accreditation opens in February and closes on 1 December of the same year. From the UNEDasiss website, you can access applications from your computer.
The prices to be paid for UNEDasiss accreditations have been approved by the UNED Government Council and its Social Council. The approved prices for the different accreditation services are as follows:
These fees are not subject to price reduction or exemption for numerous families, nor are they subject to other types of discounts and/or exemptions.
Students must pay the prices corresponding to all the accreditation services requested, even if these are denied by UNEDasiss after the study of the documentation provided.
Once the application is sent, the student will not be able to eliminate services already requested, although they may modify services or increase the accreditation services they have requested.
Modifications that do not result in a decrease in the prices to be paid and that have been requested prior to the issuance of the accreditations or the deadline for requesting PCE shall be accepted.
The application for recognition of a new subject must be paid, even if the resolution of this application is negative.
In general, the reasons and causes of return established in Articles 12 and 27.5 of the Law on Public Taxes and Prices are applicable to these fees.
Only the amounts paid will be refunded in the following cases:
- Duplicate payments for the same concept.
- The expenses are higher than the applicable rates.
- When the service has not been provided for a cause attributable to UNEDasiss.
- When the student does not meet the minimum requirement to access the university and proceed to verify it by the UNED.
- Death of the student
Under no account will the return of the prices paid in terms of secretariat fees and opening of the file proceed.
All requests for return will be initiated at the request of the interested party by sending an email to and will be processed once the call ends.
No refunds will be made for amounts paid for the following reasons:
- Not having taken the examination
- The destination university does not require certain services or does not evaluate UNEDasiss accreditation
- The services requested are not necessary
- Requested services have been denied
- Documentation has been requested from the applicant and it has not been provided.
Universidad de Almería
Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad de Córdoba
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Huelva
Universidad de Jaén
Universidad de Málaga
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad de La Laguna
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Castilla La Mancha
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Castilla y León
Universidad de Burgos
Universidad de León
Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Universidad de Barcelona
Universidad de Girona
Universitat de Lleida
Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Universidad Rovira i Virgili
Universidad de Vic
Comunidad Foral de Navarra
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Comunidad de Madrid
Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Comunidad Valenciana
Universidad de Alicante
Universitat Jaume I de Castellón
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Universidad Politécnica de Valéncia
Universitat de València
Universidad de A Coruña
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Universidade de Vigo
Islas Baleares
Universitat de las Illes Balears
La Rioja
País Vasco
Principado de Asturias
Región de Murcia

What are the exams like?

ELE (Spanish Courses)
Study Plan and Methodology
Methodology of Spanish classes

During the classes, all linguistic skills are worked on (oral and reading comprehension and oral and written expression). In addition to grammatical content, cultural and historical aspects of Spanish culture are also taught to achieve better linguistic immersion in our country. Apart from the classes, activities are carried out outside the classroom so that students can test their knowledge in real situations.
The evaluation of the students is carried out continuously through the performance of different activities and tests. In addition, the teacher performs a personal and private track through our platform.
Our academy is not only a learning centre, but also a meeting point with Spanish culture in a city famous for its historical heritage and its beauty.
The programme is structured to guarantee a total immersion in the Spanish language, with 20 lesson hours weekly which will allow you to reach fluency at a fast pace. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to sit the DELE exams, getting certificates with international recognition by the Instituto Cervantes.

Trips and extracurricular activities

Since we believe that to learn a language it is not only important to study grammar, at Academia Puerta Real we promote language learning and cultural immersion through extraordinary activities that are normally carried out outside of the classroom.
– Free activities:
- Competitive tests to discover the city and put Spanish into practice.
- Typical breakfast with “churros”. In this case, the student must pay only for the consumption.
- Tapas day to get to know our gastronomy. This activity is free, in this case the student must pay only for consumption.
- Movie day (usually once a week). Students will be able to watch films and documentaries in Spanish on the interactive screens of our center in order to learn about Spanish and Latin American culture.
- World literature day celebration, language exchanges.
– Activities that are not free, although they may be included in some courses:
- Guided tours of the two most important neighborhoods in Granada: the Albaicín and the Sacromonte. Both were declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1984.
- Visit to the Alhambra and Generalife with a Spanish guide.
- Visit to the museum of the Inquisition.
- Visit to the Science Park, museum, BioDome and planetarium.
This is our Spanish for foreign students Team
In Academia Puerta Real we count on a team of native teachers, all of them professionals passionate about teaching. They have years of experience helping our students improve their Spanish.

Jonathan Contreras
"The real revolution begins with your training"
Our director loves the motor world, music, literature and traveling.

ELE Academic Coordinator
Rebeca Ferreiro González
- Experience in teaching Spanish as a foreign language in an immersion environment, as a foreign language and for heritage speakers at different CEFR levels.
- Experience in ELE courses for children, teenagers and adults.
- Accredited by the Instituto Cervantes as an examiner for the DELE exam, levels A1 to C2 and Escolares.
- Degree in Hispanic Literature.
- Master's degree in Communication.
- PhD in Political Science (specialising in Communication).
Passionate about teaching the Spanish language, with extensive experience in teaching our language in various countries, her goal is to maximize the academic impact of your stay in Spain.
Feel free to share your academic goals with her!

Head of ELE Studies
Esther García
- Experience in ELE courses for teenagers and adults.
- Accredited by the Instituto Cervantes as a DELE examiner, levels A1 to B2.
- Degree in Translation and Interpreting.
- Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language.
- Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.

Director of the Foreign Students Department
Omar Chriaa
"Training will help you to be, what you are capable of being"
Mario is passionate about football, gastronomy, tango and Rock'n Roll

Hind Allaoui

Teacher of ELE
Pilar Luque
- Experience teaching Spanish as a foreign language in an immersion environment and at different CEFR levels.
- Experience in ELE courses for adults.
- Accredited by the Instituto Cervantes as an examiner for the DELE exam, levels A1 to C2 and Escolares.
- Degree in Modern Languages and their Literatures (major in Romance Languages).
- Master's Degree in Hispanic Studies (specialising in Teaching Spanish L1/L2).

Teacher of ELE
Pilar Martínez
- Experience in ELE courses for teenagers and adults.
- Degree in Classical Philology.
- Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (MAES).
Her main objective is learning, through active listening and respect for what we do. Her classes, from minute one, are practical and dynamic, and are adapted to the needs of each moment, with the student as the protagonist of the educational process.
She is an enthusiast of morphosyntax and text translation.
In her free time she enjoys good music on vinyl and VHS movies.

Teacher of ELE
Selma Bargach
- Experience in ELE courses for teenagers and adults.
- Degree in Translation and Interpretation.
- Master's Degree in Conference Interpretation.
Extensive experience preparing Spanish for foreigners and the Alliance Française Delf and Dalf diplomas.
A cinephile from birth and in love with Super Heroes, she is the MISS Marvel of Puerta Real.

Teacher of ELE
Judith Rebollo
- Experience teaching Spanish as a foreign language in an immersion environment and as a foreign language at different CEFR levels.
- Experience in ELE courses for teenagers and adults.
- Accredited by the Instituto Cervantes as an examiner for the DELE exam, levels A1 to C2.
- Degree in Spanish-Slavic Philology.
- Master's Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.
She loves to teach and share his knowledge and experiences with his students, the true protagonists of the action. She believes that a good mastery and use of our language allows us access to a wide range of possibilities in today's society. In short, to learn by feeling and acting, to be thoughtful and competent beings.
By the way, Judith is an excellent paddle tennis player. She awaits you on the court!
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
The teaching staff at Academia Puerta Real are university graduates, native speakers or with an accredited C2 degree in Spanish and have extensive experience as teachers of Spanish as a foreign language.
From A1 to C1 (common European framework of reference for language levels). To find out more about what your level is in Spanish, we recommend that you do the “level test”.
Students must be at least 14 years old to enroll in our center.
Although we recommend that you perform the “level test” before signing up, at the beginning of each course the teacher will check if your level is suitable for the course in which you have enrolled.
However, whether the classes are too easy or difficult for you, you can ask your teacher to change groups.
When finished your course at Puerta Real Academy you will receive a Certificate of Achievement. In addition, you can choose to take the SIELE GLOBAL exam at our center or take one of our DELE Preparation courses to take it at one of the official exam centers and certify your level of Spanish.
Go to SIELE Services for more information.
Learn about DELE Preparation courses.
Once the course is finished, you will have access to the platform during the two weeks following the end of the course.
No, our Spanish courses for foreigners do not have additional registration fees.
By enrolling in one of our courses, you will pay a reservation; but this will be deducted from the final price of the course.
10 days before the start of the course, we will contact you via email to inform you of the schedule of your group in the shift previously chosen by you at the time of enrolment.
Yes, but it is essential that to extend your stay you start with the procedures 60 days before your STUDENT VISA expires. For this, you can count on the legal advice of Rocío Valero, our lawyer specializing in immigration, whose services are included in the courses that so indicate.
Academia Puerta Real collaborates with high-quality student residences and professional real estate agencies.
If requested, all the information related to the accommodation will be provided and, if necessary, the contract will be managed with it to issue the corresponding accommodation certificate, if necessary.
Depending on your choice, most of the accommodations offered by the real estate agencies or residences with which we work offer locations close to the location of our center.
Academia Puerta Real is located in the center of Granada, in a situation very well connected by public transport.
Yes, we are in contact with residences that offer shared rooms, as well as the possibility for the real estate offer to rent an apartment. Ideally, in this case, you tell us as soon as possible.
Yes, as long as we can offer you other options.
No, our procedures related to accommodation are solely and exclusively for our students.
No, smoking is not allowed in the rooms or common areas. It is allowed to do it on the balconies / terraces.
Due to the high demand for Spanish courses, the ideal is to enroll at least one month in advance, as long as you do not need a STUDENT VISA in this case, the ideal is to do so three months before.
Yes, Academia Puerta Real will issue the following documentation so that the student can manage its processing:
- Letter of Invitation
- Tuition
- Curriculum
- Payment letter
- acceptance letter
- If necessary: Certificate of accommodation and/or Certificate of delay.
To do this, students must provide a copy of their current passport.
In addition, in the courses that so indicate, legal advice to obtain the STUDENT VISA is included in the price.
Those students who, despite complying with the documentation and other necessary requirements to obtain the student VISA, have been denied it, may request a refund by sending a copy of the letter of refusal.
The amount of the refund will be subtracted from the days that have elapsed since the beginning of the course, period in which the student will be able to receive their classes online.
- No refunds will be granted to students who do not present the official rejection letter from the embassy or consulate.
- When a refund is granted, bank charges related to transfers, exchange fees and express mail charges will be deducted from the refundable total due.
For more information access the “Cancellation and refunds policy” of each course.